Category Archives: June 2015

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum

Who saw that in Latin class?

Who took Latin?

What are we teaching kids now?

Continue reading A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum

June 25

I did many things today.

Continue reading June 25

June 24

Watching Seinfeld. Pretty much for the first time. I know I was tuned in to the program during a formative part of my youth.  That was at least 3 lifetimes ago though.  Continue reading June 24

June 23

I know what I want. Doesn’t mean I get it. They said Knowing is Half the Battle or I’m making that up. Sharing is caring? There is some static in my reception as you can see from the picture.

Best to conserve battery power.

June 22

I am a singular person and a walking cliche.

I move through the line
Aware of the appearance
Still wondering
How far I can go.

Self awareness is not comfortable
It averages out well if you
stay true and humble
What I think of me matters

In search of healthy conflict
I know the key to surviving
is wrapped in acceptance
Loving east as I move west.

It warms my heart
Enveloped in the bestDaily life I’ve ever known
Alone for the first time.

June 21st

Today I was the eye of the storm. I that means I only stopped to think twice. I feel bad for anyone caught up in the shit storm surrounding me.

My dad came out mostly unscathed. For Father’s Day, I helped him move furniture. If it were up to me, said furniture would probably have been sold in the great purge of 2015. It will be meted out to my two sisters and favorite relatives eventually, unless I score a moving truck when I head west. But that’s something for future me to worry about. Right now, I’m stoked

Now I’m at the Lamp to catch a punk show. It’s just me and another girl who knows the band and the band. Still the eye of the storm, I drew innocent souls into battle without warning. I understand people are real but that doesn’t stop me from being me.

Good band. I miss Shirley burgers.


These Precious Things

Dear god, help me.

I want to play Heroes of the Storm so frickin bad.

The main chink in my gaming armor is Starcraft. Kerrigan is a rare female in the gaming world. She’s truly feminine yet she’s one of the darkest super-villians ever created, regardless of gender.  Her superpower is basically intuition and her soft spot is true love.  She’s sexy as hell – think Jean Gray meets Mystique meets Nightcrawler.

jean_grey_by_quibly-d57upyk Mystique_2000 Nightcrawler_by_spiderguile

I haven’t even caught up on the expansion to Starcraft II yet.  Adult life can be that way sometimes.  Now I have to play it before PAX.  Gamer life can be that way sometimes.

June 20

On point
At peace


Ear buds are a decent substitute when earplugs aren’t available.  I really need to invest in good earplugs.  Not plugs.  Though the thought has crossed my mind more than once.  The older I get, the sexier piercings seem.

Need to schedule my BanjOwl soon.