This past Friday there was another Spillit event held at the Amurica studio in Crosstown. I was so inspired by the one before, I set aside time to make sure I came back. I was trepidatious about this adventure but not for the usual socially-anxious reasons. I set out that night intending to tell a story. What made it so terribly hard to approach is that I had NO clue what story to tell. The theme was education. Pretty broad, pretty ubiquitous. I even got a pep talk from Jamie Harmon prior to the show about just how broad and ubiquitous the topic can be.
Basically, I should tell a story about something I’ve learned. It’s extremely fortunate I received that pep talk. Not only did it shatter the flimsy construction of a story I tried to piece together that day (a stilted retelling of how I became a pariah at Bryn Mawr) but it also made me look at myself and admit the biggest lesson I have learned recently. I decided in that moment to attempt a summation of how I learned to find success. Continue reading Spillit Slam: Education