All posts by Ro

Star Wars

Honest to gawd truth, I had no clue there was a new Star Wars movie coming out today. It’s a pretty insane concept considering my interests and friends, historically. It might be the most telling evidence of my change. I’m just not the person I used to be. Or I’m finally myself again. That part is still unclear.

Either way, my only personal affection for Star Wars is limited to Return of the Jedi. I remember experiencing a very base attraction to Mark Hamill as a young Jedi and an even baser attraction to Cary Fischer as a woman. She’s the first princess I ever identified with. Her way with Harrison Ford says it all.

Anyway, I’m really glad they are making this new trilogy. I’m even happier I don’t give a damn about it. I have zero investment. If it sucks, I’m not out anything. If it’s epic, I have that to look forward to. I’m pretty sure I’ll have time for Hollywood nonsense in another few years or so.


Has it been that many already? Well, *shrug* this is Sparta or something.

The actual steps of moving aren’t far out of reach. It’s taking the steps that seems insurmountable. I’m so close to the end of my checklist every time I look up I can smell the Pacific Ocean. Leaving for no reason might be hardest. It takes a lot to get up out of a comfortable spot. And I’m really comfortable in Memphis.

A comfort born out of callouses and puffy red eyes. Watered with tears, the roots of my story have grabbed hold of me. This seed is ready to plant and all I see is hard clay dirt. There are stones still left unturned, despite my contrary efforts. It’s good for all of us that way.

Ah hell, let’s be honest. One or two more steps will involve local stones.

Having Class

Soon, I’m going to stand in front of a group and demonstrate yoga poses.  I will then ask the group to repeat what they’ve seen.  Then we will all do the same poses a third time to complete the cycle.  As the group leader, I will plan a series of poses that follow logical sequences and encourage the basic principles of hatha yoga that beginners need for a strong practice.  I intend to share the benefits I’ve gained from my yoga practice.

I’m not teaching until I can get all the way through one of these sessions without apologizing for myself.

Suicide Survivor

Someone introduced herself as a suicide survivor once.  Interest reflexively piqued, I’m immediately suspicious of anyone advertising self harm.   Continue reading Suicide Survivor

Southern American Princess

I am very interested in this rental.  I am planning a move from Memphis, TN to the Seattle area in January. I’m able to visit expressly to sign a lease for the right apartment.

I’m an excellent tenant and have a savings in place to support myself for at least 3 months.  I am confident I can find employment within that time.   I am looking for 6-12 month leasing terms that allow cats.

Please send me any information you have available for this rental or any similar to it.  Thanks!

#imanad #zillow

Love Unrequisitioned

I am going to die without ever telling him how I feel.
That’s one satisfaction I can savor.
Despite all my keening and moping
And the assumed entanglement that ensues.
I can carry this gift with me to the grave.
Clutching my precious affection like rags to my body
Wishing my flesh held the power of your arms
Seeking release in approval
Or settling for remorse.

Toucha Toucha Touch Me

I’m stuck in a romantic fantasy.

I keep imagining there’s someone out there meant for me. I feel a song inside of me that needs and answer. A call lacking it’s response. A piece missing its puzzle.

I want someone that craves the feel of my soft skin as sorely as I need their touch. I want to share a meaningful glance with someone every day.

I can feel the same thing in strangers.  Like a vibration.  Usually, it’s a hum so imperceptible the noise of daily life drowns out any trace.   When I’m near some people, special people, I can sense a warm aura.  A 360° degree smile.

I keep this little fantasy on a small, silver chain.  Someone, someday will hear the song inside me.  And then I won’t be alone anymore.

Foot Fetish

I’ve made a day of my legs. Sitting in dandasana. Legs up the wall. Supta padhangustasana one to two and back again.  Upavistha konasana.  Virasana.  Baddha konasana.  Grabbing my toes like a 4 year old I absentmindedly notice my muscles tighten and relax.  Toes spreading, my feet grow wider pushing against my fingers.  I wasn’t really doing any yoga, just hanging out on the couch watching TV.  Relaxed, I stretch my legs in all the directions they can go because it feels good.

In other news, the penguins might be plotting something.