All posts by Ro


I just now discovered which two voices in my head are the main characters in the story. A boy and a girl – obviously.


So few boxes left
Packed haphazardly
Given away as an act
Good will takes your shit
And someone else
Broke in those jeans
And Sunday clothes.

Along Came Polly

A Jennifer Aniston gem I never knew about. Star-packed supporting cast and snappy directing.  Ah!  Written/directed by the same guy that did I Love You Man.  It feels way too dated to be from 2004 though.  There’s a plot point based on *69.   Reminds me of the 90s.

I did some serious cleaning and straightening.  Made appointments with all the pertinent people.  The final clean out is yet to be scheduled.  Despite my desire to just throw everything away and start driving, there are people who want some of this shit.  If I was an asshole I could just tell them to go fuck themselves.  Problem is, I’m a nice person.

It’s not a choice, I just am.  Even when I’m in a tight skirt.  Even when I’m turning a guy down.  Even when I’m desperately in love.  I’m nice.  It’s a personality flaw I developed while playing opossum in high school.  I figured if I’m going to be miserable all the time anyway, might as well smile.  That’s probably the same reason that guy at Juice smiled at me.  Funny.



I’m done digging now.

I know from all the stories that I’m the villainess in this equation. I’m white, moneyed and getting what I want.

I have abandoned the only humans to show me any love. The other animals have the good sense to die.

The farther gone I am, the less I will feel this particular pain. The loneliness remains constant.

There aren’t enough pills in the world to fix what’s wrong with me. With luck, there are just enough in this bottle to finish me off.

98% chance I’m going to be just fine. Without Facebook, I’d say 100%, except no one could ever know.

Like I was never here.

Sticks & Stones

Nothing has changed
Invisibility was a joke
Shuns and rumors aren’t.

I did nothing wrong
Despite all I can’t do right
Resplendent in bad timing

Talking to a wall of ears
Eyes searching for a way out
Donkey’s tails pinned on me

For every joke you tell
Is at someone’s expense
I’m glad for the isolation

Take my ridicule, my shame
Wrap your cold egos up tight
I was never meant to teach you

Child of Light

This game is beautifully crafted.  The watercolor-like scenery and low-gravity flow of movement lends an airy, relaxed feeling.  The music composed primarily of piano and minimal arrangement supports the easy-going feeling.  Playing on casual seems like the only real option because the interactive play control is painfully slow.

Of course, this is just the tutorial.  The battles are a mix of meters and turn-based actions.  Interactive enough to keep my attention but lackadaisical enough to avoid pressure.  This little girl carries a big sword and her leveling system encourages me to use it.

Plot is pretty cute so far.  Little princess falls into a mysterious slumber.  She’s trapped in a mystical dreamland that Tim Burton might create for Bethesda.  There’s a blue teardrop that aides the redheaded protagonist with advice and ambient lighting.  On my Surface, controlling the mouse-based bugger is awkward.  When I’m settled in my new place I’ll have my old gaming desktop set up.  Can’t wait.


Last night I put a dream to rest.  Continue reading Spilled


Stuck in a halfway point. Not here, definitely not there. No traction for my activities or interactions. No reason to even leave home. Better to save my money. Reserve my energy.

If it weren’t for my job, I’d start driving today.