I do a lot to avoid discomfort. I’ve had habits, dependencies, addictions and resolve. I’m preventing myself from doing something bad more times than I’ve done the bad thing. The bad things I’ve done often pale in comparison to the truly unkind. But I feel everything the people around me feel. I can’t exist without knowing both sides of the struggle because that line in the middle is exactly where I want to be. I have a personality of extremes and depths of the ocean. That’s a lot of terrain to cover in a human lifetime. I’ve kept my mouth shut long enough about the things I don’t know about. It’s time to talk about the things I do know about. Continue reading Patreon
All posts by Ro
I don’t particularly find hair sexy. I’m not a huge fan of hairless either. It’s a strange paradox that amuses me. Continue reading Hair
Solitude versus “alone time”
Looking around social media, I regularly see individuals discussing how introverted they are and how hard it is to be so misunderstood all the time. Let’s ignore for a second that posting to Facebook every 30 minutes is the opposite of introverted behavior. Why is everyone clamoring for the label all of a sudden? There’s no glory in being reticent. Well-known introverts only got recognition after a lifetime of introspection and solitude. You’re only the quiet one if you don’t saying anything about it. Continue reading Solitude versus “alone time”
RIP Bryn Kitty
Walking down the hill, I know what’s going to happen. Part of me is still in denial. Maybe she’s doing better? Maybe the vet has a new idea? Maybe there’s a cure to getting older? I know it’s not true. I know I’m walking my 16-year old cat to her last vet appointment. I feel like a horrible person. Continue reading RIP Bryn Kitty
The most important thing I learned in Psych 101 is that phobia are not just fears. Fear, worry and other forms of discomfort are natural feelings that everyone has from time to time. A phobia is a condition where something specific triggers a fear so crippling it prevents someone’s daily routine. A fear of heights means you get nervous crossing a bridge. A phobia of heights is when you choose to drive a hour out of your way to avoid taking a bridge. Continue reading Spectrums
Monetarily I’ve gotten much more than $40 worth of parties out of my CSPC AYCE card. It’s impossible to do everything and actually enjoy myself so I chose carefully. The Unleashed! party, held as a fundraiser for SEA-PAH, is the most revealing experience I’ve had and worth far more than the $10 donation. I went into the party mostly ignorant but optimistic. As Brad Pitt says, I like dags. Continue reading Puppies!
The Q
When I grew up in the early 90’s it was just called “gay rights”. Posited as an agenda by the mainstream, I didn’t see the complaint. Even at 11, I knew people should love whoever they want and trying to control that is just plain silly. So I’ve supported the gay rights movement my entire life, no question. By the end of high school the more inclusive acronym LGB gained a foothold. I’m so glad the L comes first. Partially for the feminism stuff but mostly for avoiding the gl- sound. By the time I graduated college, LGBT was the acceptable collection of letters. It stayed that way until I left Memphis, TN. The Q wasn’t even an option. Continue reading The Q
OKC Corral
I’m not an expert on dating technology but I’m apparently good at it. I have met multiple stellar friends on Tinder and OkCupid. I even found a quality person on Craiglist once but that was back in the dark ages; I got lucky that time but only in the sense of not getting raped and murdered. I possess a unique combination of confidence and intuition. My willingness to stab someone in the throat in self defense is just a learned skill from growing up in Memphis. Overall, I’m well-equipped to meet almost anyone and give them at least 30 minutes of my attention. After that, you better be worth my time. Continue reading OKC Corral
The Greatest Gift
He gave me time to write and didn’t complain (much) when I wanted to go home.