Driving east, I’m oddly at ease. Bryan is the most honest man I’ve ever met and he’s in his element on a night like this. Confidence soothes my nerves. I have every right be apprehensive. As transformative moments go, this party has potential to make the Top 5. Not that I keep track of that sort of thing. (Puberty, Yoga, Prozac, Storytelling, Driving alone across America – if you do keep track of that sort of thing.) Tonight is a friendly gathering of kinksters at my leather daddy’s house. Four days ago I texted Marten, “If you wanna tie me up Saturday night and make me a party favor for select guests it would make my weekend ;-)” Continue reading Wham, Bam, Thank You Sir.
All posts by Ro
Date Night
I agreed to meet someone tonight after a very long break in correspondence. I don’t want to go. I have no viable reason. At least none I have proof of. The break in contact occurred for a reason though. This person has made me feel uncomfortable in the past. Probably due to my own inability to communicate, given the personal growth I’ve had since then. I still don’t know exactly what to expect. I don’t want to go but I will. I can’t tell the difference between anxiety or dread at this point. It’ll only take 20 minutes before I know if my gut is right or I’ll discover my past judgement is wrong. If that happens then I’m just a bus ride away from home.
5 hours later… Continue reading Date Night
Election Remorse
Our voices are more important than ever. If you have something to say, speak loudly. If you don’t then please just stop and listen. Unify the message and support each other. The space between our differences is where the fractures start. The split interests of the Democrats is arguably what allowed this shit to happen. Personally, I consider this election inconvertible proof that you can buy anything in this country. And if someone with more money comes along he can take it away.
Stop demonizing the “white man” and remember that appearances aren’t what matter. Actions do. Take action by educating yourself. Discover the real demons living among you. Don’t tolerate hate. Don’t laugh at crude, easy jokes. Witness the struggle on a daily basis and try to be patient. Our position in the battle has changed. Preserving the progress we’ve made is a victory. It feels like standing still after all this forward momentum but not losing ground is the goal now. That’s how wars work.
It’s No Good
Monday night football used to be something that happened on teevee. Now it’s an event for some of my service friends. I’m not that invested in Seattle grid iron but I certainly want my friends to make money. Go Hawks. Continue reading It’s No Good
I Fucking Voted
I’ve voted in 3 states so far. Philadelphia and Memphis have similar systems with early voting options and polling on election day itself. In my lifetime, the only information I was given about candidates or policies came from yard signs and partisan TV commercials. The onus is on the voter to educate themselves for the most part. The first time I voted I was amazed to find out how much shit is on the ballot no one even mentions. Amendments, propositions, initiatives, advisories and so many judges. Studying for the SATs is easier. Continue reading I Fucking Voted
My Kind of Crazy
Most people don’t know. Why should they? I don’t know if someone has lupus or diabetes. They are going about their day with the same struggles I endure, just in their own timeline. I don’t know what their pain looks like and I do my best not to judge their reaction to it. It’s the Golden Rule – treat other peoples’ realities with the same respect you want them to show yours. We are all the same.
In my world there is a strict bullshit threshold. I can only take so much from one person before I have to Be Nice or Leave. Self-awareness comes with the risk of being called out. We are all flawed and eventually it gets us in trouble. I embraced my shadow self and found more substance there than my parents ever cultivated. I have learned that being myself is harder than pleasing other people. So far, the benefits vastly outweigh the struggle.
It gets easier. Telling the truth is a tough habit to break once you get rolling. Freeing up all that space in your head that used to care what people think leads to extensive personal growth. Inherently painful, I decided to lean into it. If it’s going to hurt might as well get the most I can out of the pain. Holding the reigns of my fate for the first time, I plunged straight to the heart of my troubles. I asked for help from a therapist. I started taking medication.
Chapter 1
You can’t tell me apart from the degenerates now. Sunken eyes, persistent cough, ratty clothes. I knew this was one of the side effects. When I woke up and discovered the cage of fear surrounding me I didn’t recognize my life. All of my values were designed to keep me pure and untainted. Staying pure has no end game. Took me too long to understand that. The company I keep reflects my worldview. I’d rather be broke and honest than rich and still living a lie. Continue reading Chapter 1
Knowing Better Now
I could just end it here. There’s no one invested in the story and certainly no time wasted on its telling. All of the praise is honorary, whenever I happen in front of anyone pretending to care. I’m a decent lay and an even better friend but the upkeep cost is too high. I can barely make it even when I ask for help. Going further down the spiral I find myself in a situation as unbearable as I left. I don’t have anyone checking to see if I’m still here, so why stay? Continue reading Knowing Better Now
Hear thee, hear thee! I propose a new word for the English language.
noun, et: Roism
Characterization of a relationship between two parties as seen from a primarily objective source.
Example: I wish she could see the realationship between them instead of being blinded by emotions.
Reason to add this to our current verbiage – so you will finally realize it’s not all about you.