This game is beautifully crafted. The watercolor-like scenery and low-gravity flow of movement lends an airy, relaxed feeling. The music composed primarily of piano and minimal arrangement supports the easy-going feeling. Playing on casual seems like the only real option because the interactive play control is painfully slow.
Of course, this is just the tutorial. The battles are a mix of meters and turn-based actions. Interactive enough to keep my attention but lackadaisical enough to avoid pressure. This little girl carries a big sword and her leveling system encourages me to use it.
Plot is pretty cute so far. Little princess falls into a mysterious slumber. She’s trapped in a mystical dreamland that Tim Burton might create for Bethesda. There’s a blue teardrop that aides the redheaded protagonist with advice and ambient lighting. On my Surface, controlling the mouse-based bugger is awkward. When I’m settled in my new place I’ll have my old gaming desktop set up. Can’t wait.